Eddie Herrera, Founder
Eddie is a lifelong Sacramento resident and local creative. He provides consulting and training to coffee start up partners.
As a coffee guy with deep roots in the local music and art scenes, he has focused his business acumen on helping build up some of the area's most underserved communities by supporting safe spaces for residents to gather and share their artistry.
Prior to entering the coffee industry, Eddie served as a producer for On Native Ground, a nonprofit media organization that is aimed at increasing representation of Native American culture. Eddie currently serves on the Board of Directors for Graffiti for Good, a nonprofit dedicated to beautification of local areas by providing safe legal art spaces.
When he is not roasting or creating, Eddie can be found out on the hiking trails enjoying the region's abundant river fronts.
Single Origin, Sustainably Sourced
Sourcing and collaborating with other businesses that have shared values is central to our operation. Our beans come from Mayan Winds Legacy Cooperative, in Chiapas Mexico, a region known for its excellent Arabica.
Sourcing Stats
Elevation: 1000-1580masl
Process: Semi-washed, sun-dried
Varietals: Tipica, Arabica
Community: Kulaktik, Los Altos.